Life is good

Life is good

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Life with 2


How often I'm able to update my blog should answer that :) I only had to get up at 5:00am to feed the baby and instead of going back to sleep, which I should have done I wanted some ME time!!So I stayed awake to get some things done.

I'm going to say our life instead of my life because before I get into anything I just want to add that my husband has been amazing and such a big help to me, he makes having 2 kids so much easier....he is our rock and has made this experience so enjoyable.

As long as I know I'm no longer going to be on time anywhere, a schedule no longer exists and my house is going to be a cluttered mess and there's nothing I can do about it, then I'll be OK. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a very scheduled person who likes to have my house cleaned and organized. I guess you can call me a clean freak, not something I really  like about myself, but hey it could be worse :) It's hard enough keeping a clean house with one and with two it's near impossible!! So I give up!!

My one release has been the gym...I worked out the day I went into labor at almost 42 weeks and I was back in the gym 3 weeks after she was born. People thought I was crazy but I had an amazing recovery and felt great, so why not??? The gym to me is like a cup of coffee it gives me energy and makes me feel better, so why wouldn't I do it......

Let's start with Ashlee..hmmm she's definitely been a challenge since Reagan arrived. She started living up to the "terrible 2's" It's very understandable she was the center of our world for 2 years and now she has to share it with her baby sister who requires so much of my time. Ashlee's been a little jealous and acting out because of it. She's always been an easy kid, so for my hubby and I it's been very challenging trying to figure out how to deal with it!!

  I was very busy with her, we were always going somewhere whether it be the zoo, children's museum, or a play date at a friends house. She loves being out and about and I think that was hard for her because with a new baby you don't get out much.

Now that it's been almost 2 months and she realizes Reagan is here to stay she's doing sooooo much better!! She's finding her own little place in this family and that's just being a big sister. She loves to help out, whether it's covering her up with a blanket, giving her a bath or being the go getter for mommy :)

We started her in a pre school at a christian church, 2 days a week for 3 hours a day and she loves it!! I just wanted her to have her own little thing so she can interact with other children and I can have some time with Reagan. Trust me it's not much the time I drop her off at 8 come home feed the baby, change her diaper and have some baby cuddle time,  it's already time to go pick up Ash. It's enough time for her though, she's always excited to see me and ready to see her sister when I go pick her up. I'm also getting out more and doing things with my mom's group again, so as you can see we're trying to get our life back to normal again, or at least what we consider normal :)

Now for Baby Reagan....knock on wood she has been the best baby!!! Very happy and content and pretty predictable. We have rough moments but the majority of them are great. She's been smiling since 5 weeks and just smiles at everyone especially her sister, she absolutly adores Ashlee, we always joke around like she idolizes her or something.Bottom Line is she's a wonderful baby and we're enjoying her so much!!

We absolutely love having two kids...Is it hard?? Yes it is and we never know what to expect from one day to the next but we are really enjoying our two girls and being a family of four :)

1 comment:

  1. congrats again mama....hang in there life gets easier with two! I remember when Sadie was born and I was so overwhelmed with my now 5 kids, and all I kept thinking of was my cousin who had triplets....that kept me saying, its gonna be ok, its gonna be alright! on those hard days/moments just think of me and remind yourself it will be ok! Trisha does it with 5, i can do this! LOL! And you will! Enjoy it, my oldest will be 18 in 3 FLIES by! cherish everything..the house will eventually get clean! xoxo cant wait to see you soon!
