Life is good

Life is good

Friday, September 28, 2012

As the summer comes to an end

My baby girl is 9 months old....WOW!!! Where does the time go? Is it that she's the 2nd child so things just seem to fly by cause I'm soooooo busy I often forget what day of the week it is :)

Reagan's 9 month well check went great!!

9 month stats
weight - 21 lbs  90th %
height - 28.50 in 85th %

Reagan is crawling all over the place and has been doing so since 8 months. She pulls herself up on anything she can, even if it's a toy she will place her hands on it and put her butt up in the air. She slowly cruises the furniture and stood by herself for the first time.

She is so independent and will crawl into the playroom and play for hours only to crawl in when she's hungry or tired.

Ray got her 2 bottom teeth in at once about 2 weeks ago and just today the Dr found one of her top teeth coming in, which now explains her protesting sleep and only wanting to nurse to sleep. That kid can fall back on her head on the tile floor and get up and do it all over again without shedding a tear, but this teething thing is not for her. I've always heard that teething is the most painful thing for them to go thru.

Ashlee started back to pre school and is doing great!! She goes 2 days a week for 3 hours.

We took the girls to Disneyland for the first time on September 6th. We had no idea what to expect so we didn't go in with high expectations.

Those girls totally surprised us, they were awesome and had such a good time.To be honest I think I was more excited than they were, it's so amazing to see your child so happy and so excited about something, Reagan is happy just as long as she's being stimulated in some kind of way.

Ash's first ride was Peter Pan and she wasn't too sure about it!! I don't think she was too sure about any of the rides except for It's a small world, she loved that ride. The park wasn't busy at all so we were able to do most of the kid rides. Our final ride for the day was Pirates of the Carribiean and yes I knew deep down Ash wouldn't like the ride but I was being selfish and really wanted to go on it so I made her go, of course she didn't hesitate cause she had no idea about the big drop and all the drunk pirates shooting stuff, needless to say she was a little tramatized but got over it pretty fast

She had no interst in getting to close to any of the characters except she did finally go up to minnie mouse eventually and only because she idolizes her :) Reagan on the other hand thought they were the greatest thing since food. She literally laughed at them, it was pretty cute!!

Ash was so spoiled and got to eat ice cream, share a churro with mommy get her face painted and of course pick out a few souvenirs, I know there was some more junk food in there but I don't recall it at the moment

The best part of the day is making it through the day with no meltdowns, everyone remained happy for the entire day and why wouldn't we when we were at the happiest place on earth :)

Best part of the day was Ashlee falling asleep sitting staight up in the shuttle bus on the way to our car in the parking lot. That was one tired kiddo!!

Shortly after our Disney trip we took a trip to visit our friends who recently moved to Orlando!! We spent a few days there and had a blast!!

Reagan got to play at the beach for the first time and just loved it, Ash on the other hand was perfectly content with building sand castles  far away from the water!!

The summer in Phoenix has been miserable and every year it seems to last longer and longer!! Even though we're in the fall season it's still been over 100 degree's here. We are all looking forward to getting to spend some time outdoors...hopefully soon!!!

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