Life is good

Life is good

Sunday, July 31, 2011

I can't believe it's true our little girl is 2

I've never believed in a saying more than I believe in kids grow so blink your eye and they're another year older. Yes it's true our little Ashlee is 2!!! Unfortunately we couldn't do much because of the chaotic month we had planned. We had our trip planned to San Diego and we left on her actual birthday the 24th of July. So I just planned a little party for her with some friends from our play group and family. We had a great turn out and everyone seemed to have fun. It always amazes me how much time and thought oh yeah and money :) you put into these little parties and they're over before you know it.
So little Ashlee's actual birthday consisted of a 6 hour drive to San Diego in our new Suburban....yeah we bought the big family SUV, never thought we would but with our last trip in Jake's truck we had to do something. We traded Jake's baby I mean truck in for a 2004 white Chevy's got it all leather, DVD player, sunroof.....and a bunch of things that make Jake happy that I don't know anything about. It worked perfect for our drive and has oh so much room and Ashlee got to watch cartoons all the way there :) not sure if the DVD player is such a good thing being that now every car we get in she asks for TV.  We got to see uncle Matt on our drive to Yuma which is always a treat since we don't see him too much. 
We spent a almost a week in San Diego for a family reunion..we did the beach thing and of course Sea World which was the most comical part of the trip. I was so excited to see how Ashlee would react to things, we took her when she was one year old and she' didn't care about much. Well this year was totally different, she sure cared alright she was afraid of all the characters, wanted to ride the rides until it was her turn which totally shocked me because she usually likes those kinds of things. Where she did amaze me was sitting through all the shows like a champ...loved shamu,,,pets rule.... and especially the 4d sesame street show where she tried so hard to grab the cookie that was coming to her in 4d, she proceeded to ask for a "cadu" which is cookie for about an hour after the show. Anyone who knows Ashlee knows she has her own language in which I"m her interpreter :)
Our trip ended with a plane ride home which was the highlight of that little girls trip.....she absolutely loves airplanes and can pick them out in the sky no matter where we are....I don't think her love for airplanes had anything to do with the fact her parents are both flight attendants and her uncle Matt is a Pilot :)

                                             some of Ashlee's friends enjoying the pool

                                                          "the cockey" (what Ash calls it)
                                                    trying to get a family picture

                                                   at my family reunion

                                                              with her cousin Sydney

                                                                ready for the beach

                                                               life is good
                                                            mission beach

                                                          can you plz get me away from that

                                                         ready to ride the rides

                                                  notice how nana is alone

                                                        so serious with her shows

                                              if I'm not telling her no someone else is

                                                  done wearing the hat

                                                        a kiss for mommy

                                                         again life is good

                                                         our little "bug"

1 comment:

  1. Great pics!!! Looks like she had a great 2nd birthday weekend!!
