Life is good

Life is good

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

When you consider 100 degree's to be cool

You know you live in AZ when you think 100 degree's is "cooling down" but when you have gone through more than 30 days of over 110 it really does feel great :) This has been one of the worst summers in AZ since I've lived here...being pregnant didn't help either!!! and maybe the fact I have a very active 2 year old who loves the outdoors and has to stay indoors, she would stand at the slider everyday and beg to go outside. "I'm sorry honey its too hot" I must say every single morning and evening. Thank goodness we were able to keep ourselves very busy this summer with lots of indoor stuff. I'm involved in a very active mom's group which has stuff going on everyday, we do Kindermusic once a week which Ashlee absolutely loves, many trips to the children's museum, libraries and aquariums. Now we can look forward to parks, the zoo (we can finally use our annual memberships) splash pads, and wagon rides around the neighborhood. My morning started out with my drinking my coffee and reading the paper on our patio while Ash played with her toys...we went to a splash pad and park in the later morning with our moms group and the kids had a blast running around and being outdoors. During the day we bathed the dogs while the hubby smoked some ribs and sausage, and during the evening we sat outside enjoyed some rain and cooler temperatures, and amazing food, it was a great day and evening for the Goddard family :)
Even though it did get to 100 degree's it was bearable and we were able to enjoy almost a day of being outdoors. Let's just hope these temperatures stay the same or get cooler...we are really looking forward to our favorite time of year..."Autumn" we have Halloween, Thanksgiving and of course the arrival of Baby G :)

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