Life is good

Life is good

Monday, October 24, 2011

Thank you for reminding me you're 2

Just when I think I'm the lucky one and my child is not at the "terrible 2" phase....she reminds me yes mommy I am starting that phase of my life.

Lucky me 35 weeks pregnant and having to deal with a teething, stubborn,and not listening toddler!! I know it's just a phase, it's just not a fun time for me to go thru it. Hubby even decided to go to work today, I wonder why I probably would've to if I had the choice.

Poor thing has been going thru a lot of pain as she gets her 2 year molars and I'm going to blame it all on that :) Teething for Ashlee has always been hard....sleepless nights, fevers, you name it the poor child goes thru it. I'm not one to medicate but that's all that seems to keep her comfortable.

She's having so much fun testing the waters and seeing what she can get away with. She's always been so good this is all pretty new to us and finding the right punishment is very hard. Time Outs don't seem to be cutting it for us anymore, especially because she likes to put herself in it now!!

Last night we went to a local event at the ballpark and had a blast. Me and Jake were just saying how fun parenting is to watch your kids have such a good time and explore new and exciting things.

Like getting her face painted, she looks terrified but really she's having a good time :)

She even chose the picture of the cupcake to have painted on her face...anyone who knows Ashlee knows she will do anything for a cupcake.

And holding a baby rabbit, she is an animal lover so this was so cool for her.

We go to the Goodyear Park at least once a week so she can swing, she is so amused by the "big firetrucks" that pull out there all of time. So daddy took her in one and let her sit and play with some of the things. This made her night she's been talking about it ever since.

Last week a few of my close friends and mom through me a "baby sprinkle" one of my best friends from California came to visit for that event and brought her hubby and son who I got to meet for the first time..

We had such a good time with them and the kids got along well and had fun playing.

We took advantage of the nice weather and played at the park and splash pads!!

Well I guess only the guys wanted to look at the camera for this picture :) We took them to Verrado which in one for our favorite places to eat and take pictures.

Ashlee rockin her boots with Ty...I got these at a garage sale for a dollar and they are her favorite things to wear.

My friends are awesome and i had such a wonderful time at my baby sprinkle. It' was small and quaint which is exactly what I wanted. I enjoyed every one's company so much in celebrating Baby G....

 The people that made it happen....Amanda, Amber, and my mom!!

All the wonderful gifts and diapers I got....thanks guys. Check out the Winnie the pooh diaper cake, it's the coolest thing I've ever seen!! Winnie the Pooh on a tricycle!

 Part of the decor included 12 onsies with each moth on it so I can take pictures of Baby G every month...such a cool idea

Just some of the amazing food that was made...yummy!!!

Pregnancy Update

I'll be 35 weeks pregnant tomorrow and boy am I feeling it. I'm really not one to complain because overall I feel good and feel very lucky because my pregnancies are pretty non eventful and easy. I'm just getting tired of being big and pregnant in this heat.

I'm getting tired of a lot of things the more I think about it...getting up 3 and 4 times to pee is so annoying and yea I know soon it will be getting up 3 and 4 times to feed a baby, but that's a little more rewarding than getting up in the middle of the night to pee!! All the annoying pains you get in your feet hips and just about everywhere I guess. 

I can't wait to wear regular clothes again...getting tired of my maternity clothes. Rolling out of bed or off the couch is getting old.

I do love the kicking...this baby is quite the mover....I'm starting to notice a pattern, the only bad thing is this baby is awake alot more than it's asleep!!

 I'm just trying to relax and enjoy these last few weeks of being pregnant...I do enjoy being pregant I'm just coming to the end and gettng anxious to meet baby G

Ashlee's getting anxious too, she keeps telling me I'm having a boy!! She is going to be the best big sister ever, she has such a big heart and is really a kind little girl!!

I have a Dr. appointment in a few days along with an ultrasound to get babies position and weight. We always get excited to see Baby G. I will now start going every week until the baby arrives

 We can't wait to meet the new addition to our family!!!

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