Life is good

Life is good

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What's been going on

The summer is coming to an end and not much could make me happier :)

We've all been trapped indoors for months and are in need of some outdoor fun!! I'm 33 weeks pregnant today and as much as I would love to say I feel great....I'm getting that "I'm all done" feeling.

It seems like anything I do anymore leaves me breathless and that 1st trimester tiredness is starting to kick in. I should probably be taking a nap instead of writing this!!

Ashlee is doing great.......she is truly the most amazing little person!! She's getting so big and has so much to say about everything.

She just started Gymnastics and loves it!! There's not too much a two year old can do but she sure has fun trying.

Besides the fact she gets up at 5:30am every morning, she's doing great in her big girl bed!! Like I said I think the freedom has led her to rise very early...and she is quite demanding in the morning which doesn't make things any better.

She starts her morning usually around 5:30am and comes to our room with her pillow and blanket and climbs right in bed with us, hands us the remote and says Mickey Mouse and "moo moo" which is milk!! At first it was cute and we went along with it, but now were both tired and not ready to start our day at 5:30am

Taking her back to her bed wasn't working because she'd come right back in to our room just to find it turning into a big battle. Jake decided he was going to put a security door knob on her end so she can't harsh as it sounds I think we found our solution finally!! She slept until 7:00am this morning and when she got up she turned her lights on and played in her room. I'm not getting my hopes up yet but I"m hoping now that we took some of her freedom away we can all get some much needed sleep before Baby G arrives :)

Ashlee has made so many little friends in her young life and it's so fun to see them play and interact with one another. One of her favorite little buddies is Landon who she's See's at least once a week. It's so nice cause they play so hard and just ware each other out. Landon just recently became a big brother to baby Maddy which Ashlee is obsessed with. Everything is always about baby Maddy, she's even named her baby dolls after her.

I'm so excited for next mom and some girlfriends are throwing me a sprinkle!! My good friend from California Monique is coming to stay for the weekend with her hubby and little one.

I haven't seen her in over a year so I'm really excited to see her and meet her little one.

My wonderful hubby has gotten us a house cleaner for 2 months so I don't have to do it anymore, I think he just got tried of me complaining about it :) She is going to be here soon for her first cleaning..YAY!!!! All I can think about is I better clean and straighten up the house before she gets here...Isn't that her job???? Maybe I'm weird or OCD, I don't know, but what I do know is I"m very thankful for it :)

1 comment:

  1. L loves her too! :)

    And I am so incredibly jealous about the housekeeper. Have Jake slip her number to my Hubs for a Christmas present for me. . . . I could really use a sparkling clean house!!!
